Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Pictures from my phone!

Ok just one more post before I get going!  :)

How about some complete randomness?

Random Pictures from my phone from the last couple weeks!

The start of Alyssa's Pink Camo scarf

We have a love for crazy funky socks in this house!  If we have plain "normal" ones on its laundry day!  LOL

I absolutely love the pumpkins but its hard to find just the pumpkins but Alyssa loves her mommy so much she bought mommy a bag while she was out with her nana shopping!  :)

Alyssa's school is selling candy bars!  Lets not discuss how much mommy and nana have bought!  Or how many people my kid has pulled the puppy dog face on to sell the things!

Throwback day at school!

Her red circle scarf I made her for Red and White day at school!  

The start of my circle scarf

Should have made the ball of yarn before I start huh?  Can you find the remote?  Its in there somewhere I promise!  

Well I finally made that ball and thats what was left!  Now I've started on a new ball!

The clouds as the storm was rolling in saturday night!  I love storms!

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