Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just 4 little words!

Happy Birthday To ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well its not until tomorrow but thought I would get a jump!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Crazy cat!

So someone came by to bring me something and the cat escaped when I answered the door.  Well next thing I know I look over in the yard and there she is with her nose to the ground like a bloodhound following a scent!  When will my cat realize she's a cat not a dog?   This is the only thing she does where she's acting like a dog!

Crazy hectic busy weekend has only begun!

The start to my crazy weekend has only begun and its started off good so far.  This morning I did my yard sale rounds came out with some clothes for Alyssa and I also found 2 huge boxes of fabric for $5 a piece (awesome score).  Then it was home to unload the finds and clean the car for tonight.   Tonight is girls night again which includes me, Nikki, and our 2 rug-rats where we are going on a shopping run for me for bday presents for the rest of the weekend its also gonna include a trip to chuckie cheese (pray for us)!  I have plan the rounds out for this shopping trip but it never fails something will happen and mess it up!  Then it will be back to Nikki's' for a little while!

Tomorrow is was has become known as the Old Ladies Birthday Party (and yes I'm included in that)  the age range is from 26 to 92 but its always a blast when we all get together.  We are partying yet again at Big Jake's.  

Sunday is one of the nephews (josh's) birthday party which we are doing at Creekmore park so he can ride the train and go swimming and then its back to my grandmas to eat, do presents and cake!  

Someone can come insert that caffeine IV now because I'm sure by the end of the weekend I will be worn out and need it desperately!

Does someone wanna come be my stand in?   Please!  Because just thinking about all of this is wearing me out!  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1 very gigantic bottle of tequila please!

Its just been one of those kinda days and with all the stress and pain Dr Pepper (no matter how much I love and worship the stuff)  just isn't cutting it today I need something STRONGER!   Or better yet someone take the kid for a week and let me relax and sleep and I might just survive!  LOL!  Ahhhh if it was oh so easy to do(well it is but its illegal and not gonna do that one, but one can dream as long as she doesn't act on it)!   Off to go do yet again more dishes and laundry.......

Good bye until later my crazy followers!

Ok need opinions!

It was suggested I get a water pik!  I've spent all day researching looking at reviews comparing prices, and well I'm more confused than ever!  So if you have used, currently have or know anything about them which one would you suggest?   I'm open to any and all suggestions right now I'm at a total loss!   Rescue me my crazy but loyal followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

UGHHHHH the pain!

The last week or so has been a long one!  I had a dentist appointment about a week ago where I learned I have to have $1057 worth of work done thank goodness for insurance it'll only cost me $300 yeah I know still wow but better than the no insurance price. Thankfully its not all at one whack the work will be broken up in to 3 appointments so that will make it a little more manageable   Even though right now I think I would rather it all be at once considering the pain I'm in.   I woke up yesterday morning with my bottom gums in the front swollen so bad they are practically purple and hard as rocks.  Anbesol has been my best friend. 

I have been managing to get some sewing done thankfully.  I've made about 30 felt strawberries!

Well off to go find my friend and numb up the mouth again later all!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Its been a crazy week around my house! This is the first full week of summer for Alyssa (whatever idiot thought up summer break needs to be taken out back and shot by a bunch of 6 year olds)!  Alyssa plans on spending a big part of her summer at her nana's house helping her out and sewing.

Tuesday Alyssa's cat decided to have her kittens 6 in all!  It was an eventful occasion around here because I spent all morning rescuing her out from under Alyssa's bed (which isn't easy) then the last time Alyssa's came in here saying "princess is under my bed again and she sounds funny"  and to that one I took off running.  Only to get there in time to see her cleaning up the first kitten.  So moved her and the kitten to the box in the kitchen that I had ready for her.  But they are so adorable and cuddly.  The first thing Alyssa does every morning (even before potty time)  she has to go in there and count to make sure they are all there.

I have decided to set up a booth at the old miner's day festival down on main street in September.  In doing so I've spent most of the week planning the stuff to make!  So far on the list is check book covers, pillow case dresses, table runners, coasters, place-mats, felt food sets, and Alyssa and her nana are also plotting and planning.  Its gonna be a crazy few months getting stuff done but I'll pull it off somehow (oh yeah Nikki voluntered to help I just might take her up on that offer lol even though she may regret it)!  

Last night was pretty much an almost normal Friday night went and got my nails filled and decided to treat myself to a pedicure while I was at it (got yelled at by my pedi lady whoops lol)  then went to Big Lots to pick up some stuff and while there Alyssa decided her and Lyla (Nikki's daughter) really need some lip gloss, these water gun things that had candy in them (of course they had to be the pink ones so I had to dig for 2 pink ones)  and Cheetos (note to self never take her shopping with me again).  Then off to meet up with Nikki and lyla and off to Walmart we went where we got stuff for our crafty night.  We made the cutest bows (if I may say so myself)!  It was the very first time ever either one of us has ever made bows!  Then it was home and bedtime (super late compared to normal)!  

Today is up and at em!  Its a family affair to replace the humongous picture window in my grandmas dinning room that has been cracked and being held together by duct tape (I swear I would marry that stuff if I could it solves so many problems) since the winter when it cracked.  Then its dinner for all and after all of that as long as work doesn't decide to keep the boyfriend hopefully I'll get to see him for the first time in 2 weeks since I dropped him and his little boy off at the bus station!  Then tomorrow is grocery shopping and to start the craziness all over again!  

But for now its off to work on some felt food then a shower!  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chic Check? LOL

So in the process of making and getting stuff ready for Old Miners Day festival I've decided to play around with check book covers!  I started out with some plain ones this morning just trying to figure out the pattern.....

 and now I'm on to working on a quilted one! (pic of quilted one will come later, its still a WIP)

So heres my problem.......  Price what should I price them?   Any suggestions?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

You Know you are a Quilter when....

1. Your child spills juice on a shirt and instead of looking for stain remover, you are thinking, "Hmmmm, that pink would make a really pretty heart in my patchwork project..."

2. UFO does NOT mean "Unidentified Flying Object."

3. WIP is something you need to do, not what a lion tamer uses.

4. You have a "stash" and it isn't illegal.

5. You go to get a tiny piece of fabric, and a whole stack falls on the floor.

6. You come to the realization that fabric breeds. You KNOW you've never seen some of that stuff in there before.

7. You buy your own Christmas presents from the fabric shop and give them to DH to put under the tree. (You know you are an online quilter if you know what DH means!!)

8. You find yourself drawing the bathroom tile pattern on a piece of toilet tissue in a public restroom.

9. You think thread is a fashion accessory.

10. You have tried to (or at least thought of) using cat hair as batting.

11. You have purchased more projects than you can do in your lifetime, and yet you continue to look for more.

12. All your walls and beds are bare because you give everything you make away.

13. Before a major holiday or event, you can be seen either up at midnight, or in the car on the way to the event, sewing the last few stitches in.

14. You have given unfinished gifts.

And the final way to tell that you are a true quilter:

15. Fabric Fondling does not sound obscene


by CindyThury Smith 1999
For our Great-Great Grandmothers,
 in quilting times past—
A frugal quilter had to scrimp, make every scrap last—
 Today wasting fabric is not such a crime—
Today what’s scarce is a quilter’s TIME.
Patterns used to travel with pioneers going west—
Now we swap and share instantly on the Internet—
Once templates were traced, fabric carefully scissored—
Now we slice multiple layers, we’re all Olfa wizards.
At one time a two fabric quilt was a sign of status—
Now Watercolor quilts have hundreds of prints comin’ at us—
Quilters used to gather at small local quilting bees—
Now we congregate at conferences, national teachers to see. Like our Great-Great Grandmothers our lives are busy, we’re stressed—
But with the beauty of our quilts, we feel we are blessed—
As with Great-Great Grandmother, our quilting serves many goals—
To give warmth, grace our homes, and feed our souls. The following 10 rules for quilt teachers were the result of various discussions on the Quilt Teachers list. We were discussing proper attitude.

Quilting Quotes

Quilting Quotes

  1. A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
  2. A day patched with quilting seldom unravels.
  3. A quilt is a treasure which follows its owner everywhere.
  4. Asking a quilter to mend is like asking Picasso to paint your garage.
  5. Ask not what your fabric can do for you, but what you can do for your fabric.
  6. Before Prozac, there was quilting.
  7. Blankets wrap you in warmth, quilts wrap you in love.
  8. Blessed are the children of the piecemakers for they shall inherit the quilts!
  9. Blessed are the piecemakers.
  10. Cooking is for those who don't know how to quilt.
  11. Dull women have immaculate sewing rooms.
  12. Dying to Quilt!
  13. Every quilter has a masterpiece within.
  14. Finished is way better than perfect!
  15. Friends are like fabric - you can never have enough!
  16. Friends are threads of gold in the quilt of life.
  17. Good friends are like Quilts. They age with you, yet never lose their warmth.
  18. I am a material girl.  Wanna see my fabric collection?
  19. I am a quilter and my house is in pieces.
  20. I'd rather be stitchin' than in the kitchen!
  21. If there are no Quilting Bees in Heaven, I ain't going!
  22. I love quilting and have plenty of material witnesses.
  23. I'm creative. You can't expect me to be neat too.
  24. I'm not messy. I'm creative!
  25. In the crazy quilt of life, I'm glad you're in my block of friends.
  26. I only think about quilts on days that end in "Y."
  27. I only quilt on days ending in "Y."
  28. I've spent most of my life making quilts. The rest I've just wasted.
  29. May all of your ups and downs in life be with a needle and thread.
  30. May your sorrows be patched and your joys quilted.
  31. Measure TWICE, cut ONCE.
  32. My soul is fed with needle and thread, my body with chocolate!
  33. Old quilters never die, they just fray away.
  34. Old quilters never die, they just go batts.
  35. Old quilters never die, they just go to pieces.
  36. Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love.
  37. Piles follow me everywhere.
  38. Procrastinate.  It frees up time to quilt!
  39. Put your foot down and quilt!
  40. Quilters aren't greedy, they're just materialistic.
  41. Quilters come with strings attached.
  42. Quilters cut corners.
  43. Quilters affect eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops.
  44. Quilters know all the angles.
  45. Quilters lead pieceful lives.
  46. Quilters make great comforters.
  47. Quilters never cut corners.
  48. Quilters touch the past and the future.
  49. Quilting is a gift you give yourself.
  50. Quilting is cheap therapy.
  51. Quilting is happiness, lack of it is sadness.
  52. Quilting is like love.  Enter it with abandon or not at all.
  53. Quilting is my passion...chocolate comes in a close second.
  54. Quilting with a friend will keep you in stitches.
  55. Quilts are like friends - a great source of comfort and warmth.
  56. Quilt 'til you wilt!
  57. Remember, people will see your quilts long after you are gone. . .  Not your housework!!
    [Thank you, Robyn!]
  58. So many quilts, so little time.
  59. The one with the most fabric at the end, WINS!
  60. There's nothing more exciting than starting a new project.
  61. There is no wrong time for quilting.
  62. Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love.
  63. To quilt or not to quilt, DUH!
  64. What I make with my hands, I give of my heart.
  65. When I learned to quilt, I forgot how to cook!
  66. When life gives you scraps - make a quilt.
  67. When life goes to pieces - Try Quilting!
  68. Will work for FABRIC!
  69. You can always tell a quilter from the threads she wears!