Saturday, June 22, 2019

A tribute to Mom!

To the one constant in my life,

     You were my rock and my shield for 30 years.  You made me believe anything was possible.  No matter how many times I fell short of expectations and disappointed you, you loved me through it all.  

     You were the kindest most loving woman on earth.  You did whatever you could to help those in need.  You were the hardest working mother, but you never let any of us kids feel ignored or like we weren't important.  You were at every school event no matter what you had to do to make it work. You fought tooth and nail for us when you felt we were being wronged.  You are the reason I am the woman/wife/mother I am today.  

     I love you to the moon and back.  I wish I could pick up the phone and hear your voice one more time.  Or just pop by the house and see you one last time.  If I would have known the last time I seen you and told you I loved you would have been my last I would have stayed all night to be there for your last breath.  I miss you more than ever.  The pain of loosing you never goes away,  I've just learned to keep going on.  But days like today are especially hard.  See today is your birthday, and just like every day you are in my thoughts.  But today the pain of loosing you hurts just a little bit more.  I wish I could see you and hug you just one more time.   

Love Always,
Your daughter!  

In memory of:
Kathern A. Newman
6/22/60 - 2/8/2016 

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