Thursday, November 3, 2011

Family Fudge

One of my most favorite quotes is:

Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts.  ~Author Unknown

This is such a very true statement!  Well when it comes to my family anyway!  The holidays are upon us and every year around this time the memories from childhood of our family gatherings come back to me!  It always fun and hilarious to sit here and go down memory lane!  

(one of the many Christmas's spent together)

But after going down memory lane I see my daughter and realize she'll never those memories like we did with the whole family packed in to a tiny house, with a ton a food and games and there was almost always a fight between someone but those are the things I miss about the holidays is our whole family together!

My kid will never have that all because of stupid petty arguments that have taken place since my grandma passed!  My aunts and uncles are grown adults and can't manage to get over the petty stuff and get along for the kids sake!  

Yeah I've done my best to make Alyssa's holidays as memorable and fun as possible but its just not the same!  

So I guess the whole point of this is even though you may fight and not always agree with your family love them and be there for them anyway!  You never when they won't be there!  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Random Pictures!

The kids (nephews + alyssa) couldn't manage to catch a live one so they found them a dead one to catch!

Back when everything she did was so sweet and innocent!

50's day at school for red ribbon week

One of my most favorite I've taken recently!

One of my weird crazy concoctions that I made for crazy hat day during homecoming week!

The crazy weird things I find in my dryer!

80's day during homecoming week

Poor tiger didn't stand a chance against me and my siccors!

Cool lightining pic I got during a storm a couple weeks ago

Alyssa's hangglider patch she got in awanas

About to meet his fate

A sneek peek at the quilt I'm making alyssa for christmas

Photo challenge day 1!

So starting today I'm going to do a photo (who knows may end up being more than one) a day for a year!  Yeah may seem crazy but I want to see where this ends up!

Ok so todays photo(s):

"Hurry it cold"

The whole group!

By herself!  

The fearless driver!  Man must be nuts if hes gonna drive a limo with 9 kids and only one adult for supervision on a trip to and from mcdonalds!

Today Alyssa got to go on a limo ride to mcdonalds that she earned by selling 15 savers cards for school!  She was excited!  She has been talking about it nonstop since she got home!   Lets just hope that the next time she rides in a limo is very far of in the very very very distant future!  LOL