Thursday, September 29, 2011


Being a mom isn't always easy!  I never claim it to be, never thought it would be so easy.  But when you sit here at night watching your little one sleep wondering am I doing the best I can for him/her?  Well thats where I am right now.  She's sleeping and just looks so peaceful and happy and here I am sitting here crying!  I would love to say that this is just so out of the normal for me but its not and I would be lying to you and myself!  I love my daughter more than anything in the world!  I do everything I possibly can!  I would give her the world if I could and thought thats what she needed!  But its not all she needs is my love and support (maybe the occasional M&M's) but thats it!  But for just once in the last 6 1/2 years I would love to have someone to go to bed with everynight, someone to share all of this responsibility and stress with!  But for now since a moms job is never done its off to go finish the hat and then to make the shirt that maths for her for school tomorrow!   <------- (more about the hat at a later date)

What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce. -Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So my kid comes home with a discipline notice.  Note she's only in first grade.  Her and 7 other girls had another student (boy) caught.  They were pulling on his shirt choking him made his neck red and sore.  Had bruises from being pinced and also they were kicking and twisting his arms!  
Now this is the same little boy that was a bully to them last year but in NO way is them doing this appropriate I know!
They all have lunch and recess detention for the rest of the week.  I on top of it have taken away everything in her room but her bed, she's lost game time, tv privlages, her smelly pencial money, gotten a spanking from me and is being made to wrtie letters of appology to the duty teacher, her teacher, the principal, the boy and to the boy's parents!  The principal told them if there is a next time they would all get 3 swats to which I informed her if it happened again I would double the 3 and she would loose everything for at least 6 months!
Ughh Seriously this kid is gonna drive me to a psych ward somewhere!  After everything I did last year standing up for her when she was being bullied she'pulls this crap!   UUGHHHHHH *pulls hair out*