Thursday, September 29, 2011


Being a mom isn't always easy!  I never claim it to be, never thought it would be so easy.  But when you sit here at night watching your little one sleep wondering am I doing the best I can for him/her?  Well thats where I am right now.  She's sleeping and just looks so peaceful and happy and here I am sitting here crying!  I would love to say that this is just so out of the normal for me but its not and I would be lying to you and myself!  I love my daughter more than anything in the world!  I do everything I possibly can!  I would give her the world if I could and thought thats what she needed!  But its not all she needs is my love and support (maybe the occasional M&M's) but thats it!  But for just once in the last 6 1/2 years I would love to have someone to go to bed with everynight, someone to share all of this responsibility and stress with!  But for now since a moms job is never done its off to go finish the hat and then to make the shirt that maths for her for school tomorrow!   <------- (more about the hat at a later date)

What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce. -Mark Twain

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